My main topics I imagine will be the following:
- Tabletop RPG's Mostly the ones I play in or run myself, which use Mutants and Masterminds and Cthulhutech mainly. Though there will be plenty of talk about other games, or general gaming topics.
- Video Games. I enjoy streaming games and play many more, mostly other Role playing games in western or Japanese format.
- Education topics, likely either Psychology or Information Technology. I'm no expert in either though, so this is a fore-warning.
- Slices of life for my daily life in Australia. Ever wanted to know what its like to be a spiteful internet addicted misanthrope? Now's your chance.
- Nerd topics, for my lesser hobbies, Star Wars, Magic the Gathering, Cats. There's a lot of these and they'll come up from time to time.
Well this is far more thought out than mine.